Saturday, August 29, 2009

ERAS Step By Step Guidance


  • Developed by the AAMC for transmitting residency applications, LORs, the MSPE, transcripts, and your photo to residency programs using the internet

The ERAS Process

  • Explore the ERAS website at

  • Research programs at their websites to gather information

The ERAS Process

  • In mid-June click on “Resources to Download” – select “ERAS 2009 Applicant Manual” to download it
  • In early July use your token to register for ERAS

The ERAS Process

  • Use your CV to complete your CAF in ERAS
  • Save your PS as a text file, then copy and paste it into ERAS
  • The ERAS Post Office opens Sept 1st and that’s when programs can begin downloading your documents
  • Type names of LOR writers into ERAS


  • Once you approve, designate in ERAS, and assign LORs to your programs, It will be uploaded to the ERAS Post Office for programs to download


  • Application fee (10 progs) – $60
  • 11-20 programs – $8 each
  • 21-30 programs – $15 each
  • ≥ 31 programs – $ 25 each

USMLE Scores

  • Know your USMLE ID number – you’ll need it to release your scores via ERAS and the NBME
  • First question: answer “yes”
  • Second question: if you want Step 2 score automatically released, say “yes”

USMLE Scores

  • If you want to see your Step 2 score before the NBME re-releases it to ERAS, say “no” to second question
  • Then remember to go into ERAS and manually re-release your Step 2 score


  • Use the Applicant Document Tracking System to see what documents have been uploaded and downloaded in ERAS
  • Access ADTS at

The ERAS Process

  • ERAS is designed to be dynamic
  • Don’t wait till every document is in place before you submit your ERAS
  • Complete the profile and CAF (the CAF can’t be changed once certified and submitted) near Sept 1st

The ERAS Process

  • LORs, transcripts, and photo can be added as they arrive
  • The sooner programs get your profile and CAF, the sooner they can invite you to interview
  • Programs will want your application complete before you interview there

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