Sunday, October 4, 2009

A message to all applicants

We have been helping IMGs over the years now and we can Say WITH FULL RESPONSIBILITY that You would get Interview Calls till End of january............yes END Of january...........its first round of interviews

Some people will get prematches they would cancel their interviews and those who are on hold would get interviews

In military term, they say NO NEWS is a GOOD NEWS........So keep the hope alive ........about the programs who have not sent either interview or rejection ........most probably have put you on hold or havent reviewed your application. some of them wont call or email you at all. some of them will send you rejections while there would still be some who would tell you that you are rejected when you would call them


Take our words, you Just Need ONE, Only ONE good interview Performance to match.

So at this time , Do observerships, externships, research, dont sit back and wait for miracles to happen........!!!!

in free time , practice , practice and practice for interviews

At the very end of the season in december and january you would get interviews on just a single or 2 days wont have time to get prepared at that time

So make the best use of this time........stop cursing your fate and start acting NOW.

Best Wishes

Medhelp Team

Interview Preparation

Please review our interview package as well

The interview Package would include services including but not limited to

  • 3 Interview Sessions 1 hours each. In first sessions , Your basic communication and interviewing technique would be tested and your responses to common interview questions would be recorded. You would then given detailed feedbcak after 3 experts review your recording.
  • Second Session would asses how much you have improved as compared to the previous session based on our feedback in terms of fixed criterion like communication skills, interpersonal skills, presentation style and so on.
  • Third session Would be the Wrap up session in which your overall progress would be assessed and you will be given useful tips on dress code, How to interact with the residents, faculty and the program directors, Do's and Dont's of communication with the Residency Program, Tips on traveling cheap in US, How to find cheap accommodation, flights etc., Tips on writing Thank you letters in a beautiful way(we would provide support for personalized thank you letters latter in the match as well which is included in this package), tips on performing well on dinner before the interview, Techniques on answering tricky questions, Tips on explaining gaps in career, any flaws in your resume
  • We will also help you prepare impressive answers to all possible Interview questions.
  • The last but not the least your queries , concerns and doubts about the process would be dealt with in an efficient manner through email throughout the match.

The price for whole package is 200$ and 75$ for a single mock interview

Looking Forward to hear from you

maill at